You see, our customer services representatives are standing by to answer your call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. When you call, you will find us to be happy to answer any and all of your questions. Or, if you're ready to proceed, we will efficiently get you set up in one of our beautiful limousines or party buses. Whether you are just calling for a quote or if you are ready to reserve, we are ready to assist. Give us a call or email us today!
Currently, the best means of reaching us are via phone and email. We are happy to receive both your calls and your emails. Whichever way you decide to contact us, we will do our best to ensure your question, concern, or request for service is handled as expeditiously as we can humanly deliver.
If you would like as immediate service as we can deliver, however, we recommend calling. As is customary throughout any industry... Live people on a direct means of communication, will always be handled first. That's not to say we will ignore your emails, as that is not the case, but a phone call will always be your best bet to get the quickest and most efficient service.
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